
Celebrating the First NMS Integration Bee


Recently, in an adapted from MIT integral calculus competition, our students from Abitur and IB have come together for the first event of this kind at our school. Coming head-to-head with others in solving definite and indefinite integrals, the Chaotic Integrators team won! 

It was great to see the school community, including teachers and spectators from different grades, come together to enjoy Math! The participants improved their Integration skills, and many said that the event was much better than they expected. See the pictures attached above!

This is a stepping stone in fostering a thriving Math culture at NMS, through events, competitions, and regular club meetings that contribute to helping students gain confidence in the classroom, solve exciting Math puzzles, and take part in various competitions.

If you want to see events like this thrive in our school community, get involved in an existing initiative of the Maths department. We are grateful to the Friends for their support in this and other activities organized by the department.

rstützung bei dieser und anderen vom Fachbereich organisierten Aktivitäten sehr dankbar.