CAS Project: A video about food waste

Food waste is not a topic that seems to be addressed very often. Below is a short, creative 3 minute video on its global impact, some interesting facts as well as ways to improve the issue. This is a CAS project that I, as an IB13 student decided to conduct as I think it needs more attention than it gets. The intensions are to raise awareness and getting you to think twice about the the next time you throw any sort of food away. I hope you enjoy the video.
Kind Regards
Lisa, IB 13, 2018

Ubuntu Week: Clothing Swap – bring your old clothes in this week

During Ubuntu Week, a main focus will be Fashion Revolution; with a presentation, fashion show, various upcycling workshops and a Clothing Swap Party as some of its highlights, taking place at all three campuses.

Raid your closets and bring your best old clothes to school this week! Drop them off in Flex A – room 207 from Monday 16.4. onward and immediately get your tokens. You will receive Swap tokens, which you can use to select other garments, shoes or accesories at the Swap Party at P23 on Tuesday 24th.

Tuesday, April 24th 2 PM – come to the Clothing Swap at P23 between 2-4 pm, bring your tokens and go home with some new garments! Drop off your lovely old garments at room 207 in the week before to get tokens. Max 5 pieces pp. Larger accesories and shoes are welcome! Take part in one of the many great upcycling workshops that will be on offer between 2-4 PM.

Volunteer wanted to bring left-over clothing to the Stadtmission at Hauptbahnhof, at any time between 25-27 April. Also wanted; four (CAS?) volunteer students to help during the Clothing Swap (starting at 12 PM on Tuesday 24th). For both; please contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..

CAS Project: My grandmother & Alzheimer’s

Description of the project

Hello, my name is Zena Marijewko and for my IB CAS project I drove down to Seeheim-Jugenheim in the federal state of Hesse and conducted historical diary entries about my grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer’s, a severe form of dementia. The purpose of these entries is to raise awareness of the condition, however, with a personal insight. I conducted the entries by going to Seeheim for four consecutive weeks (ending during the Easter holiday) in which I visited my grandmother once or twice each time, depending on the duration of my stay.

Teams unserer Schule gewinnen bei JTFO – Tischtennis die Plätze 1 (Mädchen) und 3 (Jungen)

Am 23. und 24. Januar 2018 fanden im Tischtennis die Wettkämpfe der Berliner Schulen in den WK 0, WK II und WK III bei den Mädchen und Jungen statt.

Das Team der Mädchen startete im WK O (jahrgangsoffen) und gewann im Berliner Finale mit 5:1 Punkten gegen die Ernst-Abbe-Schule. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Maike Neubert, Fanny Tockner, Lydia Rose, Leila Bittner Rosser und Rosalie Borkowski.

NMS Career Day follow up

Nelson Mandela School’s first ever student led career day took place on Saturday the 3rd of March 2018. The few students that did attend were treated to a variety of career presentations and talks by parents and friends. Students got to hear about life at Coca Cola, computer programming, a dual studium at Mercedes, Politics, Law, working internationally (diplomatically/development organisations) and much more!

Special event at the Berlinale Culinary Cinema

On the 22nd of February three students from the NMS had the opportunity to cook with 19-year-old star Chef Flynn McGarry from New York. The movie is about Flynn who started cooking and creating new dishes at a very young age. Flynn is a 15-year-old revolutionary. This culinary experience is something we will remember the next time we prepare a minimalistic gourmet dish. By the time Flynn was 10, he had transformed his parents’ house into a restaurant called Eureka, cooking several course menus for his family and friends. 

Debating Matters 28 February 2018

Dear Nelson Mandela community
Dear Debating Matters Group

This year our debating team (Alec, James, Naomi and Yara) were tasked again with a debate that was hosted by Freiblickinstitut e.V. and the University of Applied Sciences Europe in a lovely venue in Mitte.

12 Berliner gymnasiums were invited to participate. Each school had to prepare for four debates and to win at least two of the debates in order to get into the semi-finals.

Our school won one of the debates and lost one. The first debate was “Monuments of controversial historical figures should remain”. Our team was debating for the motion. In the second debate on “Social media Sites should filter out fake news stories”, our team was given the position against the motion. Our team defended both positions gloriously.

Autorenlesung an der NMS: Sabine Ludwig liest von „schrecklichen Müttern“ und „netten Tanten“

VORLESEN wird an unserer Primarstufe ganz groß geschrieben! Nachdem es diesen Winter wieder einmal einen Vorlesemorgen im Dezember gab, bei dem alle Lehrerinnen und Lehrer bekannte Kinder- oder Jugendbücher vorlasen, fand am 20. Februar eine ganz besondere Lesung statt: Sabine Ludwig kam zu uns in die Schule, um aus ihrem Buch „Die schrecklichsten Mütter der Welt“ vorzulesen. 

Light and Micro Worlds: 5B & 5D project

This photography project is an extension of our Science studies on Light and Micro worlds:

  • How is a camera similar to our eyes?
  • What is the relation between light and our sense of sight?
  • Why do ordinary objects become extra-ordinary when viewed in a closer perspective?

Pupils from 5B and 5D took a crash course in photography under Ms. Sylvester learning about the different genres, the importance of light and the Rule of Thirds. What was initially planned for a week of lessons on macro photography extended to food, action and portraits. All pictures were taken using a digital camera. We hope that you see a story behind each photo and that you enjoy our exhibit as much as we enjoyed the process in making them.

Pictures below!

Ergebnisse vom Vattenfall Schul-Cup Crosslauf von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Am Donnerstag, 09.11.2017, fand der traditionelle Crosslauf von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf im Volkspark Jungfernheide statt.

NMS Alumni Facebook Group

There is now an official Nelson Mandela School Alumni group on facebook! Well over 600 former students are members already. Follow the link: NMS Alumni Group FB

Winter Concert 01.02.2018

Here are some pictures and some videos of the Winter Concert which took place on 1 Feburary 2018 in the P23 Aula. Thanks to Florian Lonicer, the photographer!