School Identity / Activities

nms identity wordcloud 

(Click on image to enlarge)

Our Identity

The Nelson Mandela School is an international bilingual state school for students from grade 1 to 13. Students can graduate with either the bilingual Abitur or the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma. They can also obtain all Berlin school-leaving qualifications (BBR and EBBR and MSA – middle school certificate) and language certificates in two levels.

We have a story. We named our school after Nelson Mandela because his life serves as a guide for mutual respect among all members of our school community and as a base of all social interaction. What started as a bilingual school has become an international community with families from all parts of the world.

For all of us –- students, teachers, social pedagogues, educators, all who work for the school and parents – the name Nelson Mandela has evolved into a symbol of internationality, democracy, tolerance, openness, critical thinking, and social responsibility.

Our school is diverse. We promote friendly, positive, and creative interactions and welcome the many backgrounds and perspectives our school brings together. We support and appreciate everyone’s unique qualities.

Tolerance and respect are foundations of our school. These values are supported and continually expanded by democratic structures and processes.

Our school is a place for lifelong learners. All members of our community contribute to the variety of learning mirrored in all curricular and extracurricular activities. As part of our school program, we develop objectives and standards, which are continuously discussed, evaluated, and reviewed to adapt to our ever-changing needs.

In keeping with Nelson Mandela School goals, this identity statement is based on contributions from all members of the school community.

Confirmed by GK12/17, SV, 2/18, GEV, 6/18, SK 10/18.

 (Click on image to enlarge) 

School Inspection

School programme

School programme 2020



DS Temuco, Chile NMS, Berlin


Chile_Karte.pngWould you like to participate in an exchange with students from the German School Temuco, Chile?

Do you want to improve your Spanish skills in authentic everyday situations?

Are you in year 9, 10 or 11?

Is your family willing to host a student from the DS Temuco for about 6 weeks?

Then contact your Spanish teacher or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 18th October 24

The Chilean students will come during their summer vacation from 18.12.24-31.1.25 (time may change by a few days), live with your family and attend NMS during school time. Thereafter you can attend DS Temuco during your summer vacation, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

Would you like to take a closer look at DS Temuco? Look here: Chile_Baum.png

Looking forward to receiving many applications (max. of 20 families)!

Your Spanish Department








Planting campaign at the NMS

Everyone shares responsibility for climate protection. Under this motto, the students of the Geo- LKes Q2 with Mrs Müller and the Bio- GKes Q2 with Mrs Lichtenstein have been busy planting the overgrown boats, raised beds and flower boxes in the schoolyard P30. With financial support from the school, soil and a few plants were purchased, some plants and seeds were provided free of charge by the Charlottenburg gardening school and seed bombs from the ‘climate package’ were used. A big thank you goes to Mrs Baumann, who helped with the transport of the necessary gardening utensils.

Our schoolyard has once again become a blooming oasis. 4 balcony boxes were apparently so beautifully planted that they were stolen by 

thieves and had to be replaced again.

We are calling on all classes to start a climate protection campaign! Further climate packs with ideas on the topics of energy, buildings, transport, industry, agriculture and forestry can be borrowed from the geography department.

LK Geo Q2 & A. Müller/ L. Lichtenstein 


To the Nelson Mandela School Community and to whom it may concern,

We, the staff of the Nelson Mandela School, are entrusted to provide a safe environment for all students and staff at our school. We support and celebrate the diversity that we have in our school, and being inclusive of all groups in society is very important to us. This responsibility is also written into the Berlin school law.
Over the last several years, there have been regular hate crimes targeting a non-binary and neurodivergent staff member from the Nelson Mandela school. These criminal acts have intensified in the last months. We are deeply appalled by these attacks and concerned for the safety of our colleague and other LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent members of our school community.
These incidents have only strengthened our resolve to support our colleague and also create a more inclusive environment, especially for members of the LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent community.
Unfortunately, the person/people committing these criminal acts have yet to be caught.
We have been and will continue to work closely with the police and are doing our best to stop these attacks happening again.
We, as staff members, are committed to providing a school environment that values and is inclusive of members of the LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent community.

Tom Hyland
Sophia Codjoe
Astrid Ahke
Florentine Baumann
Franziska Talai-Rad
Michael Boulin
Martin Bee
Benjamin Lorang
Detlef Wingerath
Astrid Bursian
Jannis Jäger
Cyrill Engelmann
Maria-Josep Freixanet
Marion Aulinger
Sainza Fernandez
Christiane Kolb
Helen Meyer
Viola Weikert
Felix Theuner
Matthias Hoffmann
Grant Sutton
David Brown
Sylvia Avery
Corinne Thomas-Heublein
Kelly Stoner
Kai Linke
Beckie Gibbons
Meredith Hughes
James Millares
Louise Bourke
Goran Subotic
Sarah Dent
Mandy Weide
Maryna Kulieva
Kerstin Nadolph
Frank Ablorh-Odjidja
Claudia Balsters
Gwendolyn Farrow
Yvonne McCabe
Lynda Sylvester
Beatrice v. Nottbeck
Angelina Bohlen
Jana Burggaller
Aaron Brodsky
Petra Arlt
Elena Fuchs
Christine v. Amelunxen
Oksana Rudnik
Alexa Griffin
Constance Velazquez
Simon Hodgson
Margaret Heidhues
Alessia Arbustini
Manuela Renk
Ira Brauns Samantha Krasser
Rocío Ruiz Maestro
Mareike Reich
Anja Schiebold
Tom Goode
Ina Claussen
Charlotte Geue
Jorike Schrader
Marina Orywahl-Moore
Vanessa Kwai
Giulia Flamini
Hanna V. Urbahn-Mehlis
Laura Martens
Henriette Rehfuß
Adrianne Oldham
Axel Fischer
Nicola Hüesker
Fiorella Arias
Britta Walter
Penny Bochum
Mary Frimpong
Annemieke Akkermans
Julien von Lieres
Mario von Wolff
Michael Warken
Lutz Tegge
Kateřina Mayer
Sebastian Scheib
Kalneshia Semrau
Hans-Günther Bauer
Monica Castilla
Lara Zaske
Jörg Fraikin
Tanya Mokdad
Franziska Wandtke
Sonia Mertens
Axel Williams
Fabian Wandtke
Charles Spiller
David Evans
Beate Froese
Gina Rosenberg
Holger Schauer
Rebecca Pierson
Carola Gagel
William Laverty
Christopher Langhans
Paul Curtis
Miriam Heusser
Karin Jaschke
Resham Mann
Nati Schneider
Sebastian Williams
Thomas Dix
Christiane Reiß-Schmidt
M.-Jullian Hensel
Michelle Petermann
Karla koskuba
Nathanael Jones
Lourdes Figueiras
Melanie Schindler
Benjamin Leuschner
Nicholas Ralph
Kathryn Gandor
Jeannette Glanz
Roi Bar
Anna Marie Reid
Anke Müller
Susanne Goschin
Sonja Ralph
Alex Samios
Eric Mellina
Kate Heidemann
Anna Jones
M. Becirovic
Ashley Meyer
Thomas Kimmel
Ramin Massoudy


The Ovaherero Genocide Foundation in Namibia is the central commemoration and documentation center of the Ovaherero people of the colonial German genocide of 1904-1908, the first genocide of the 20th century. To commemorate the victims of the genocide, the Foundation is developing memorials along the sites of Ovaherero and Nama resistance to the German Empire. One such site is Ozombou-Zovindimba near the village of Otjinene, where the first extermination order against the Ovaherero was announced. Near this place there is a tree on which Ovaherero prisoners were hanged during the genocide. It was given the name: Omuti-ngauzepo maumana otjiwaņa tjetu (The tree must be removed because otherwise it will destroy our community).

The Ovaherero Genocide Foundation would like to open up this site as a memorial and is organizing a commemorative event from October 6-8, 2023.

To this end, the Ovaherero Genocide Foundation, together with the Society for Threatened Peoples, is asking for your generous donation. The official appeal for donations is attached. A donation receipt will be sent in February 2024. The donation can be transferred to the following donation account:

Account holder: Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE07 2512 0510 0000 5060 70
Verwendungszweck: Ovaherero Genocide Foundation

Nandi Mazeingo (Director Ovaherero Genocide Foundation) and Roman Kühn (Director Society for Threatened Peoples) with thanks for your generous donation.


Project Music Swap Lap

The students of 7a, 7b, 8a and 9c, together with their music teacher Mr Theuner, took part in the Music Swap Lab project for the first time in 2023 and played the Sleeping Beauty Waltz by P. I. Tchaikovsky digitally with the musicians of the Bremen Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra and many others. The project enabled us to get to know classical works in a practical way and at the same time to play together with a large professional orchestra, and all the students enjoyed it very much.

Perhaps you will recognise one or the other!


 Delegation trip to Kalpitiya / Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

In the context of a cooperation project with the department of education for sustainable development of the district office Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Kalpitiya traveled from 22.1.23 - 29.1. 23 the district councilor Oliver Schruoffeneger, Svenja Arenz from the staff office, Michael Böker as subject teacher for biology and chemistry from the Friedensburg-Oberschule, Tino Schott from the Gottfried-Keller-Gymnasium with the subjects history, PW, ethics and Detlef Wingerath from the Nelson-Mandela-Schule as teacher for fine arts and drama to Sri Lanka. Dilsiri Welikala from Kite Surfing Lanka supervised the trip on site. A meeting with the ambassador Holger Seubert in the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Colombo formed the prelude. We visited the Muslim School in Kandakuliya, St. Sebatiens School Kandakuliya, St. Annes School Thalawila, RCT School Kalpitiya, Mune School and the Muslim School Paliwasturai. The theme here, besides the impressive hospitality, was the EducationBox#2030 and a very moving exchange. This took place, for example, in exhibition rooms on the reuse of plastic waste, or after dance and mime performances on the topic of microplastics and marine protection. The delegation successfully organized a workshop with all teachers and representatives of the city administration in the city hall of Kalpitiya. We planted mangrove trees with the students of the participating schools and carried out a beach clean-up activity. 

The next steps for further cooperation within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals were bundled and outlined in school cooperation projects.



 As teachers at the Nelson Mandela School, we want to share this video showing our solidarity with all women in the world whose rights are not respected.



School Life

WannseeForum “Mitmischen Possible” 2023

Wannseeforum 2

In the week from 18.09.2023 to 22.09,2023 students from the Nelson Mandela Secondary School, accompanied by Ms. Reiß-Schmidt and Mr. Theuner, took part in the WannseeForum "Mitmischen Possible". This was a seminar that took place in cooperation with EPIZ. The Nelson Mandela School was one of four schools that took part in the seminar. The pupils took part in the workshops: Rap, theater, film and writing on creative projects and were able to exchange ideas with the pupils* from the other schools and make new friends. The results of the project work were very impressive and really successful. There was also a presentation on the work of the SV and student participation, and a discussion with two activists from BUND-Jugend. The WannseeFORUM was a great experience for everyone involved and we all had a lot of fun, we would like to thank the organizers from the WannseeFORUM Foundation and the participants from EPIZ. We hope that we will be able to integrate some of the findings from this exciting week into our everyday school life. (Report from a student)