Elective courses in the Lower Secondary

All students in the middle school are required to choose one or two elective courses totaling two to four hours per week, which they determine according to their needs (support and
encouragement) or in relation to an additional profile (e.g. choice of an additional foreign language). In the 7th and 8th grades, one course is chosen (or two courses if specifically
requested and if possible); in the 9th and 10th grades, two courses or an additional foreign language are chosen. The courses are integrated into the timetable and are generally part of
the given schedule.

The art department offers numerous art courses on a rotating basis, such as drawing and painting, mixed media studio, printing, woodworking, working with clay, sewing, preliminary-course Bauhaus, etc.
By participating in these additional art courses, the hourly schedule in art can be increased to three to six hours per week if desired.

The cooperation with the District Art Center supports an additional artistic afternoon program: www.jkscw.de