All Year 8 classes at Nelson Mandela School go on a joint ski trip, dring which they can learn to ski or improve previously acquired skiing skills. Apart from the sports aspect of the trip, there are numerous important side effects: the strengthening of the social fabric between students, the sense of belonging to the NMS community and the NMS identity, to name a few.
Ski trip
- Form Registration, Release Form, Packing List and Ski Skill Questionaire 2024
- Formular Anmeldung, Einverständniserklärung, Packliste und Ski Skill Questionaire 2024
We are very much looking forward to the trip.
The accompanying teachers
Ski trip benefits
The areas listed below particularly benefit from the ski trip:
- Students who are very good at skiing become “experts” and teach beginners in the special surroundings of alpine mountain scenery.
- There are activities involving all classes of the year at the same time.
- Skiing takes place in groups in which everyone takes on responsibility for everyone else, for example in case of skiing mishaps and accidents. This improves everyone's team skills.
- Students experience the limits of their physical abilities and get the opportunity to extend them, employing their courage, dexterity and physical fitness.
- Students achieve goals and acquire skills in areas they do not come into contact with in everyday school life in Berlin, for example by managing to get down a steep slope safely.
- All participating students' personalities are extended in particular ways through the points mentioned above.
- For many students the ski trip is their first encounter with nature in the alpine winter (deep snow, rapidly changing weather conditions, big differences in altitude, etc).
- The yearly ski trip of all year 8 classes strengthens the sense of belonging together and the NMS identity.
- The teacher-student relationship in general is much improved and intensified by all the factors given above.