In years 5 and 6 we offer the choice between Band, Choir, and General Music. The children have the possibility to learn an instrument, sing or have general music education, depending on their interests. Here is some information on the choir programme.
Some photos and video clips of the choir in action at various 2011 Christmas concerts.
Dear 5th & 6th Grade Parents and Guardians
As the choir music teacher at the Nelson Mandela School, I believe strongly that all children should be provided with many opportunities to improve their musical skills, develop healthy vocal habits, and learn to sing to the best of their abilities. The choir program at NMS provides just such an opportunity for those students who have an interest in singing. The goals of the group are: 1) to learn and experience that music making can be a way of bringing joy to ourselves and others, 2) to experience and appreciate music in a wide variety of styles, and 3) to develop the skills and attitudes that will encourage students to sing throughout their lives.
All 5th & 6th grade students are invited and encouraged to join the choir. Choir is for all students – not just the girls, boys too! There is no audition to pass. Students of all abilities are welcome to join in the fun. The only requirements for taken part in the choir are : 1) a commitment to the rehearsal and performance schedule, 2) a sincere interest in learning the skills and art of choral singing, and 3) a willingness to make a positive effort as a contributing member of the choir. Students who join the choir will be expected to attend all rehearsals and concerts, and to give their best effort and attention at all times. Obviously, exceptions are made in the event of unavoidable problems such as illness, family emergencies, and for other reasonable non-emergency conflicts cleared in advance. However, students with two or more unexcused/unexplained absences, or more than three total absences may lose their performance privileges at the discretion of the director. Of course, with today's busy schedules, I understand that it is sometimes necessary for families to make very difficult choices about priorities and appropriate activity commitments for their children.
If you have any questions or concerns about the choir program, please contact me (see email below). Hearing from you is music to my ears! It has been a great pleasure to work within this school community during the past years, and I look forward to more, even greater seasons of music making in the future.
Gary Beaner, Choir Director