Introduction to the school internal art curricula and evaluation

The secondary art department (grades 7 to 13) works closely with the elementary school. Regular meetings of both departments, professional days and joint events enable a stable exchange and ensure a smooth transition from grade 6 to grade 7.  In the Middle School (grades 7 to 10), the School Internal Curricula (SchiC) refer specifically to the interdisciplinary subject areas (ÜT) Education for Acceptance and Diversity, Cultural and Intercultural Education (grades 7/8), Sustainable Development / Learning in Global Contexts (grades 7/8) and Gender Equality (grades 9/10).


Beginning in the Flex phase (Year 1/Year 2), students* document their creative learning process in a VISUAL JOURNAL consisting of both written and visual statements, reflections, associations, descriptions, analyses, interpretations, and reflections. A deeper contextual exploration embeds students' individual art concepts on an intercultural and art historical ground. Students explore aesthetic concepts and artistic strategies, improve their design skills, learn to research the necessary information, and practice verbalizing their abstract ideas. The VISUAL JOURNAL is graded four times a year, and one-third of the grade goes toward the final grade. 

The main emphasis lies on the creation of studio work through a student-centered investigative and experimental approach.

Art curriculum table E

Apart from regular and mandatory art lessons, additional art elective courses such as painting, printing, mixed media, pottery, crafting, woodworking, design, sewing, creative thinking and many more can be taken by students Y3 to Y10. Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Our school’s cultural education is supported by a cultural agent (Kulturagenten-Programm). 

Museums and outside fields of inquiry in the arts are integrated into the learning experience and visited regularly. The NMS is a cultural agent school and cultural partner of the Bauhaus Archive. The art department cooperates with the Art Center Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (JKS) at Mierendorffplatz. 


External cultural partnerships are planned with the DAIMLER CONTEMPORARY art gallery and the AEDES architecture research center, as well as the Humboldt Forum and the UdK (fashion design department). 

We see art as a complement to all subjects and understand our department as a free space for cultural exploration. Our rooms are open to all students of our school and we provide creative tools, materials, media and good IT equipment. 

Florentine Baumann

Head of the Art Department