Information during the Corona period
- The 7 day incidence of Corona in Berlin is at 1800 on Wednesday 26.01.2022. Current Corona information can be found here and here. The Berlin Corona situation infographic is here.
- Masks are required. Testing is being performed at the appropriate level for the different school levels. This is either 5 or 3 times a week.
The GEV/Parents Council has now sent a number of pdf forms by email to parents and guardians. Here they are again.
- The GEV/Parents Council would like to remind all families to please observe all quarantine rules and regulations if they travel abroad.
- The GEV has requested that drivers please avoid Pfalzburger Strasse on both campuses when dropping off and picking up, even if they are late. The pavement outside the school entrance is not for car manoeuvres!! Please treat the safety of all NMS kids with the same high regard as your own and refrain from driving or reversing at kids.
- Bicycle thefts have been reported near P23 by parents. Specifically near the bakery. Please be aware that this happens very quickly, sometimes while people are in the bakery for a short time.
- The Festival of Nations was very succesful and raised 25,000 euros for the community. It was also lovely and a lot of fun!
- The new NMS clothing raised 5000 euros at the FoN. The NMS webshop has received an update, and lots of the new NMS 20th Anniversary clothes and bag designs are up. The clothes can be ordered by email and also bought from the P23 shop when it is open.
- The Berlin Senate and BER have signed a new framework agreement for cooperation between schools and extracurricular educational partners.
- Berlin schools can now sign environmental agreements
- Have you signed up for the new class lists? All old lists have been deleted. This is direct and fast communications from the GEV. Contact your parent reps or mail the
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions. - For a website helpful in locating testing facilities see: Test to go Berlin. The Senat If my child falls ill Infografik is very useful (Senat PDF download).
- Back to school regulations info in German from the Senate page Information on School Operations. Very relevant and informative.
- NMS management decides on a case-by-case basis which pupils are exempted from compulsory attendance and participate in school-led learning from home.
- The new P30 book lists for 2021-2022 are now available. click on the relevant individual links for IB and Abitur and for each of the years 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
- Make sure students have a valid phone number for the parents or guardians with them. Students who test positive will be sent home or isolated and collected.
- There are measures in place for Corona health & safety in the school year 2021/2022.
- Kids attending school will be tested twice a week according to Senat guidelines unless you get a test from a test center or doctor. The test presented must be no older than 24 hours.
- Interested in how your child will be assessed in the turbulent 2020/2021 school year? Q&A here about performance assessment.
- The Primary School Department of Social Pedagogues has prepared this: Support During Corona Lockdown. The P30 Social Pedagogues have prepared this information document for you.
- Important school organisational information for the school in the week beginning 19.04 can be found here.
- Up to 100 children in the UK affected by rare inflammatory disease linked to coronavirus
- Corona school FAQs/FAQ Schulen in Pandemie-Zeiten (Gesundheitsamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf). This document is in simple German.
- Isolation procedure/Isolationsverfahren (Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf). This document is in more complex German.
The Senat Berlin has published and linked to a number of English and German info sheets regarding important topics. Here are a few items that were recently recommended to the webteam and requested.
- Corona Stufenplan (Senat German PDF download).
- Berlin Corona Infographics for schools/Grafiken und Medien für Kitas, Schulen und Einrichtungen der Jugend- und Familienhilfe (Senat).
- Aktuelle Informationen der Senatsverwaltung (Senat).
- Preventing coronavirus infection in Berlin – frequently asked questions (