Since 2015, the NMS Yearbook has been a community volunteer effort led by the NMS Friends to capture memories of each school year with photos and texts by staff, students, and parents. The Yearbook is on sale in June at graduation, the school entrances, both libraries, and again at Festival of Nations. NMS Friends Builder Level Members get one for free.
Now we need your help. Please take a few minutes to do the following:
Print and fill out a Yearbook Consent Form. Please submit these to your class teacher, who will hand in the forms for each class.
For Year 1-11: Collect photos of each student in your class + teacher (if they like) and send together to the yearbook team for your class page.
Optional: You can design your own page, see guidelines. In both cases: Include the Yearbook Class Checklist so no one is forgotten.
For Year 12+13: Special instructions will be sent via parent reps and Abi/IB teachers regarding the Year 12+13 Surveys + photos.
- Deadline for Yearbook Consent forms + photos: March 1, 2022.
- Deadline for self-designed class + LK pages: March 15, 2022.
- Deadline for Year 12+13 Surveys + Photos: March 15, 2022.