
European elections - more important than ever!

On June 4, 2024, the Geography GK's Q2 and the LK Q2 visited the European House in Berlin with Ms Wandtke & Ms Müller. In an inspiring lecture followed by a discussion, Frenchwoman Claire reaffirmed the importance of the EU in securing peace in Europe, the benefits of the EU for every citizen of an EU country and the importance of a democratic process in decision-making within the EU. She made it clear that voting in the European elections on 9 June 2024 will determine the future political direction of the European Parliament and that every voter should be aware of this responsibility. The pupils were later able to answer the questions in the Wahl-O-Mat and take a stand in the ‘Experience Europe’ exhibition.

Our call to all: Use your vote on 9 June 2024.

A. Müller & F. Wandtke