On Tuesday, 14. of June the Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Musikschule and NMS put on the summer concert at the P23 campus.
The second and third grade choir performed, accompanied by a few piano students who presented their skills at the piano.
On Tuesday, 14. of June the Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Musikschule and NMS put on the summer concert at the P23 campus.
The second and third grade choir performed, accompanied by a few piano students who presented their skills at the piano.
In den letzten sechs Wochen arbeitete die 3b an einem Projekt über Astrid Lindgren. Es gab Poster aller Art, Burge und, Spiele! Doch das schönste von allem war, dass wir zusammen gearbeitet haben.
Nevena und Maria haben ein Mini-Theater gemacht! Süß muss ich sagen. Und Rosa und Madeleine! Sie haben eine Fernsehshow gemacht. Dank ihnen weiß ich jetzt fast alles über Astrid-Lindgren! Jaron und Paul erstellten ein Astrid-Lindgren-Preise-Plakat. Boah, hat Astrid aber viel gewonnen!
On June 3rd 2022, the Primary School honoured the Nelson Mandela School’s Schule der Vielfalt accreditation with a school-wide Pride Celebration. This festive day was a huge success due to all of the preparations by staff and students and the gracious volunteering from students, staff and parents. Not to mention the talent that we have among our students and staff! Vanessa Kwai and her 3a, 5th and 6th grade music students presented a beautiful and emotional singing performance with “I Can Sing a Rainbow”, “True Colors”, “Dancing Queen”, “A Little Respect” and “This is Me”. And educator John Phillips got everyone dancing with his enthusiasm and excellent DJ skills.
The Black History Class has become a federal model project of the Federal Agency for political Education (Bundeszentrale für politische BIldung) and will be continued until the end of the school year 2022/23. This is a joint project of the Friends of the Nelson Mandela School, the Diversity Task Force and Each One Teach One, the Federal Center for Black Empowerment in Germany.
Upper secondary students have the opportunity here to learn about Black History in a global and German perspective through monthly workshops and biannual study days.
Here are pictures of the long awaited P23 Sports Day, taken for the school by well known photographers Florian Lonicer and David Nassim. Thank you Florian and David for these photos. There are many more but these are the ones that we got permissions to use. Florian and David have plenty more photos.
It looks like everyone had a wonderful time!
Nach einer corona-bedingten Pause fand der Lesewettbewerb der Berliner UNESCO-Schulen am 20.5.2022 in der Gedenkstätte für die Berliner Mauer statt. Es beteiligten sich 24 Schüler*innen aus den Klassenstufen 6 bis 8.
Unsere beiden Teilnehmer*innen, Rasmus O. (6a) und Francesca M. (7b), die jeweils den schulinternen Jahrgangswettbewerb gewonnen hatten, lasen beide sehr souverän und ausdrucksstark. Schon nach der ersten Runde, in der alle ihren zum Thema „Krieg und Frieden“ selbst gewählten Beitrag vortrugen, war klar, dass Rasmus zum engeren Favoritenkreis gehören würde. In der entscheidenden zweiten Runde lasen dann alle Beteiligten – unvorbereitet – eine Passage aus dem Jugendroman „Als mein Vater ein Busch wurde“ von Joke van Leeuwen (2015) vor.
Reflection on the BMUN Conference 2022
On the 20th- 21st of May, nine NMS students attended the BMUN conference at the Katholische Schule Liebfrauen, where they met students from six different Berlin schools
and discussed a variety of political, social and economic topics.
The topics that were being debated included: strengthening social justice through bridging the medical divide, tackling the Myanmar Crisis, regulating the commercialisation of space and promoting cultural rights as human rights. Eight NMS students represented the delegation of their country, which extended from the Democratic Republic of Congo to the delegation of Vietnam and USA.
One student also chaired debates. The debates were fruitful and all delegations engaged in constant lobbying and remained actively involved in discussion. It was a great experience and we are looking forward to more in-person conferences in the future.
Sofia, Lydia, Marlene 10b
Für unseren UMUGANDA Tag an der P30 am 21.5.2022 hatten wir eigentlich mehr Freiwillige erwartet... mit nur vier Lehrkräften, zwei Eltern und neun Schüler*innen plus natürlich unserem unersetzlichen Rudi haben wir dennoch innerhalb von vier Stunden eine Menge Arbeiten erledigen können:
Liam Sherwood gewinnt den 3. Platz in seinem Rennen über 3600 m, in 12:09 min.
Herausragende Rennen mit tollen Platzierungen zeigten auch Lidia Ferenc-Kaivo mit Platz 9 nach einem ganz starken Endspurt, Naomi Dorner mit Platz 10, Jonathan Karner mit Platz 17, auch Leander Baumann mit Platz 12, sowie Dennis Breidenbach mit Platz 21, Lynn Neyer, Sofia Nothelfer Campuzano und Lydia Prinsloo.
Aus der Grundschule erreichte Keanu Kuckerts einen schönen 8. Platz.
Qualifiziert hatten sich für dieses Finale im Volkspark Rehberge die jeweils 15 Besten ihrer Altersklassen aus den Vorläufen in den Stadtbezirken. Teilweise gab es in den einzelnen Rennen große Startfelder mit weit über 100 Schülerinnen oder Schülern.
Vielen Dank für Eure Teilnahme und herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den schönen Ergebnissen.
(Ein Bericht mit allen Zeiten und Platzierungen ist an der Sportwand der Sekundarstufe zu finden.)
Hot on the heels of a very fun Boogie Night, we want to keep the party mood going by announcing a provisional date for this year's Festival of Nations!
Please SAVE THE DATE of Saturday 10th September 2022!
As usual, 3rd Grade will host the Book Stand, 5th Grade will represent South Africa, and 7th Grade will represent Germany.
Classes who are staying together should make the most of the last few weeks of the school year to start their plans! Please use your final Parents' Evenings, any end-of-year parties or get-togethers, and class WhatsApp chats to choose Stand Captains, pick a country, and gather ideas!
Add your country choice to our spreadsheet.
E-mail us with any questions:
We look forward to partying with our whole community in September!
Your 2022 FoN Committee,
Chevannes, Rhian, Sara, and Winnie
On Friday the 13. of May 2022 a first collaboration in the series "tiny to go" took place on the schoolyard of the secondary school with Benjamin Leuschner´s students, class 5b and Detlef Wingerath's 12th grade basic theater course.
Short sequences on the topic of "diversity and discrimination" were developed in the form of a forum theater based on Augusto Boal´s "Theatre of the Oppressed".
It was a great pleasure to see how all students benefited from this tiny collaboration.
The most populous city in the EU in 2022, Berlin is a melting pot of a rich variety of cultures and nationalities – and with the biggest Turkish diaspora in the world, the city’s relations with its Turkish communities remain amongst the most important for political leaders and citizens alike.
In order to gain some insight into this relationship on a political level, Mr. Engelmann’s Politics LK and GK courses took an excursion to the Turkish embassy on Tiergartenstraße on 10 May of this year. The group was able to tour the embassy from its prized rooftop beehive to its manifold conference rooms and engage in conversation with high-level officials – including Envoy Topçuoğlu and Ambassador Şen – and ask questions about the highs and lows of work and life as a diplomat.
Over the course of the visit, we learned about topics essential to Turkish-German relations, such as the integration of Germans of Turkish descent and the controversial issue of Muezzin prayer calls in Cologne. Finally, to round the excursion off, the students partook in the highly educational experience of being treated to an array of Turkish delicacies, including tea and pastries, becoming acquainted with public diplomacy at its most delicious…