On Saturday, the 20th of May, 18 of our students from grade 7 to grade 12 participated in the Avon Frauenlauf: an annual event which raises money for cancer research. Our students took part in the 5 km race. Before the run, all participants warmed up together and took part in a massive mannequin challenge; trying to break the world record. There were 18,000 women in total participating in the various races. There was a very casual, relaxed and friendly atmosphere. As a gift, the girls received goodie bags filled with Avon products.
We would like to thank all the runners for their enthusiasm, Herr Fraikin for lending us the NMS shirts and allowing us to train with him. Thanks also to Cormac and William from 10d, our helpers on the day. Finally, thanks to Melina and Fenya from 10c, and Anna and Paula from 10d and Mrs. McCabe for organizing our school team.
Group photo of the runners and two organizers