The Primary School in Pfalzburger Str. 23 has a shiny new Mensa!

The Primary School in Pfalzburger Str. 23 has a shiny new Mensa!

Our Art department, under the guidance of Mrs. Marion Aulinger and Mrs. Doris Schäfer, began to plan for this wonderful project in 2016. Mrs Birgit Kratzheller, a parent in the primary and an artist herself, helped organize it all. The Mensa used to be a very sad and barren space.  Now it beams with a fresh coat of paint, and paper-mâché pizzas and artistic wire sculptures hang from the ceiling, making lunch a brighter, more fun experience for the students.

During one weekend in May, students from 5a, especially Joshua Hyland and Anoush Wehlisch, along with parents and teachers, especially Annemieke Akkermanns, Kelly Stoner and Nathan Jones, painted the Mensa and completely re-decorated it.The decorative art was produced during the WUV course taught by Mrs Schäfer.

Among the parents who deserve special mention are Susanne Wehlisch, Eraine Judd and our GEV chair Paola Aliverti.The festive re-opening -with free pizza for all- took place on Monday, May 22, with many thanks to Z catering for making this happen.This is a great example of our school spirit at the NMS Primary, and I am truly grateful and happy that the project brought such amazing results.

On behalf of the entire team of helpers,
Ina Claussen

Pictures below!