Nelson Mandela Primary School 'Sports Day/Bundesjugendspiel' 2019

April 11, 2019 at the Wilmersdorf Stadium

As the German saying goes 'April, April, macht was er will', however the cold weather could not disrupt the great atmosphere of the 2019 NMS Primary Sports day.

As soon as the students arrived, the festive atmosphere began. Luckily the day started out sunny and the flex/3rd grade classes were able to take advantage of the more friendly weather.

All students tried their best and encouraged their classmates. Although only few classes won the 'Sportschildship Award', it was obvious that all students displayed the values of fair play.

The tug-of-war event was a real highlight with all classes present to cheer each other on. The educators and teachers even got involved with a flex/3rd grade verses 4/5/6 grade staff members action.

Photos by Florian Loncier


All students tried their best and encouraged their classmates. Although only few classes won the 'Sportschildship Award', it was obvious that all students displayed the values of fair play.

The tug-of-war event was a real highlight with all classes present to cheer each other on. The educators and teachers even got involved with a flex/3rd grade verses 4/5/6 grade staff members action.

The 4-6 grade classes continued the team spirit feeling and were able to efficiently get through all their events.

Throughout the day Z-catering provided delicious hotdogs for all students involved.

The day could not have happened without the many parent volunteers, so they deserve a big thank you. We are also in gratitude to all the staff of the primary school that got their classes organized before the event, and either looked after their class or helped out at one of the stations on the day .

However, the biggest thank you has to go to the students for giving their best, showing respect and supporting their classmates.

Tom Hyland, James Millares and Mathias Weber