Aus Mut Gemacht - Ab Sofort - 6D

Class 6D attended the premiere of Aus Mut Gemacht on Monday, November 4th. Their self-made video was one of 12 favourites that were shown at the Aus Mut Gemacht Premiere at Cubix cinema Alexanderplatz. (scroll down a bit to find ‘Ab Sofort’)

Aus Mut Gemacht 6D

Der Klassenausflug zum Checkpoint Charlie und der East Side Gallery verläuft anders als erwartet und entwickelt sich zu einem spannenden Abenteuer.

Ein Film von Arwen S., Brendon T., Elaine L., Hannah-Marie S., Jamie A., Jonah B., Kathalina H., Kerem S., Lidia F.-K., Lili R., Liyana B., Maximilian M., Nora L., Nouriel L., Sarah O.; Lehrer*innen: Annemieke Akkermans, Brant Dennis, Elif Gömüsay

The 6D cartoon/stop motion video ‘Ab Sofort’ as well as all other creative work by a total of 53 participating Berlin schools will be shown at various locations in Berlin this week. 

Aus Mut Gemacht is one of many events taking place in Berlin this week, to commemorate the ‘Mauerfall’ 30 years ago.