Let's stick together. Let's keep NMS a good place for our kids!!
Dear all, some parents have asked what the Friends are about and how we help the school.
What do Friends stand for:
We stand for community. We stand for each and every child at our school. We stand for financial and community support. We stand for you.
Who we are:
The Friends are the Förderverein of NMS. We are volunteers from within the community, parents, teachers and donors who dedicate time and money, to support our school and children when regular school funds are not enough. With the beginning of this school year, we have about 350 members, which is only ONE THIRD of families. All children benefit, and so if you are not contributing and you are able, please play your part. If you cannot support financially, can you help with time and energy?
What we do:
- We support individual students if they have special ideas or projects which need an extra boost of money.
- We support teachers ideas, class-excursions, art projects, sports gear, etc., that enrich our children's knowledge.
- We support KIDS in need because we believe that each of our children should be able to go on a class trip with their mates.
- We support the school departments.
- For IT and communications, we finance computer software and external IT support for 30 hours a week.
- For music, we finance the repair of instruments and special teaching.
- We support YOU by financing the Web- and Buzz-hosting and online-software so that the Buzz-volunteer team can update you with all the important information.
- You are able to put an ad in the Buzz because of the Friends.
How we work:
The Friends is a voluntary, independent and officially registered association. The board consists of 2 chairs, a treasurer and four members from school-management, teachers and parent representatives, all elected by our members. The board votes on every individual request from teachers, school, students or parents, to decide if a project should be funded or not. All supported projects need to be for the benefit of knowledge and students as written down in our ‚Satzung '. We meet twice a year for ordinary meetings to discuss ideas and give updates about the work and budget.
Come and join.
If your family is able to contribute 10 Euro a month, we kindly ask every able family to join us.
Please sign up here.