NMS students win prize in Hong Kong Green Cities project on sustainability

Our team of students, Anneke Linh Bussert, Martha Bulkuley, Charlotte Braune, Katharina Sharma all presently in Q1 participated in the Green Cities project on sustainability: Green Urban Environments GRUEN  hosted by the HongKong Baptist Unversity (HKBU). This was a project that was designed to be an online collaboration between school pupils geographically separated and the resulting models were to be presented face to face in Hong Kong. The project was funded by the EU Erasmus+.


They were originally invited to participate in a conference in Hong Kong in February 2020. This was, however, cancelled because (at the time not yet known to be a pandemic here, in Germany) of the Corona Virus Pandemic. The conference was held online on 10.9. to 12.9. where participating schools presented their projects. As I listened to the presentations, I felt that our teams did their part with a confidence that comes only with good background research and very good presentation skills. So thank you Charlotte, Katharina, Martha and Anneke! You did very well. 

I am happy to announce that two of our girls won a prize at the conference today. A very commendable effort, since they had to go through a Question and Answer Session with the Jury to win this prize! My heartfelt congratulations to Anneke Linh and Martha for all the efforts they put in. Here is a link to their presentation.

Wishing all four students all the very best! May their tribe increase!

Dorothy Samuel