

Mini Marathon

The Mini-Marathon was held on Saturday, 28 September 2024. There were 55 students from the Primary who ran and all were able to finish the race. This was the most number of students who participated from P23. 

Thank you to Resham Mann and the parents who supported him for helping to organize this event for the Primary School.

Congratulations to all runners! The NMS Community is proud of your achievement!


Registration for Year 1

Registration for Year 1 in Berlin schools starts on October 7th, 2024 and runs until October 18th, 2024. 
If you would like to register your child for the Nelson-Mandela-Schule, click here to learn about the process and to download the registration form.


1st round of the Mathematics Olympiad 2024




The competition is aimed at all students in grades 7 to 13.

The problems can be downloaded here.

Solutions can be handed in until 11.10.2024. Contact person is Ms Figueiras (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Participants will receive the result on 18.10.2024.

Successful participants qualify for the 2nd round of the Mathematics Olympiad, which will take place on 13.11.2024 as a district round in Berlin.

The discussion of the problems in internet forums is not permitted. For further questions please contact Ms Figueiras by email.



Spendenlauf 2024

n September 16th, our students participated again in a "Terry-Fox-Run" at NMS.

We named this run after Terry Fox, a Canadian, who was diagnosed with cancer when he was 19 years old. Despite his diagnosis, Terry Fox ran all across Canada in order to raise donations for cancer research.

In order to honor his legacy and continue to raise donations, schools in Canada have a "Terry-Fox-Run" each year.


Diplomacy and delicacies

Ambassade de France

On June 14, 2024, we, the French course Q2, spent a day learning about French history and culture. Our day began  at 9:50 a.m. in high spirits, enjoying authentic French pastries (Merci, Aux délices normands!). The first item on our agenda was a visit to the Ambassade de France. We were warmly welcomed there after passing through a security check. During the tour, we explored the outstanding architecture and art. We also learned a lot about working in an embassy and about the special role of the French embassy in Berlin in preserving and strengthening the Franco-German friendship. Afterwards, we quickly made our way to the Federal Foreign Office, where we were given an insight into the historical importance of the French language in everyday diplomatic business.


Diary 2023

Project Music Swap Lap

The students of 7a, 7b, 8a and 9c, together with their music teacher Mr Theuner, took part in the Music Swap Lab project for the first time in 2023 and played the Sleeping Beauty Waltz by P. I. Tchaikovsky digitally with the musicians of the Bremen Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra and many others. The project enabled us to get to know classical works in a practical way and at the same time to play together with a large professional orchestra, and all the students enjoyed it very much.

Perhaps you will recognise one or the other!



 Delegation trip to Kalpitiya / Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

In the context of a cooperation project with the department of education for sustainable development of the district office Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and Kalpitiya traveled from 22.1.23 - 29.1. 23 the district councilor Oliver Schruoffeneger, Svenja Arenz from the staff office, Michael Böker as subject teacher for biology and chemistry from the Friedensburg-Oberschule, Tino Schott from the Gottfried-Keller-Gymnasium with the subjects history, PW, ethics and Detlef Wingerath from the Nelson-Mandela-Schule as teacher for fine arts and drama to Sri Lanka. Dilsiri Welikala from Kite Surfing Lanka supervised the trip on site. A meeting with the ambassador Holger Seubert in the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Colombo formed the prelude. We visited the Muslim School in Kandakuliya, St. Sebatiens School Kandakuliya, St. Annes School Thalawila, RCT School Kalpitiya, Mune School and the Muslim School Paliwasturai. The theme here, besides the impressive hospitality, was the EducationBox#2030 and a very moving exchange. This took place, for example, in exhibition rooms on the reuse of plastic waste, or after dance and mime performances on the topic of microplastics and marine protection. The delegation successfully organized a workshop with all teachers and representatives of the city administration in the city hall of Kalpitiya. We planted mangrove trees with the students of the participating schools and carried out a beach clean-up activity. 

The next steps for further cooperation within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals were bundled and outlined in school cooperation projects.



 As teachers at the Nelson Mandela School, we want to share this video showing our solidarity with all women in the world whose rights are not respected.



School Life

WannseeForum “Mitmischen Possible” 2023

Wannseeforum 2

In the week from 18.09.2023 to 22.09,2023 students from the Nelson Mandela Secondary School, accompanied by Ms. Reiß-Schmidt and Mr. Theuner, took part in the WannseeForum "Mitmischen Possible". This was a seminar that took place in cooperation with EPIZ. The Nelson Mandela School was one of four schools that took part in the seminar. The pupils took part in the workshops: Rap, theater, film and writing on creative projects and were able to exchange ideas with the pupils* from the other schools and make new friends. The results of the project work were very impressive and really successful. There was also a presentation on the work of the SV and student participation, and a discussion with two activists from BUND-Jugend. The WannseeFORUM was a great experience for everyone involved and we all had a lot of fun, we would like to thank the organizers from the WannseeFORUM Foundation and the participants from EPIZ. We hope that we will be able to integrate some of the findings from this exciting week into our everyday school life. (Report from a student)


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Empowering the LGBTQIA+ community in the education system is an important step towards fostering inclusivity, understanding, and acceptance in society. By promoting education and awareness, we can challenge stereotypes, reduce discrimination, and create a more inclusive environment for all individuals. With the NMS Pride Day 2023 on June 15, 2023, we saw with great pleasure how the school community of both campuses came together to celebrate each and every one’s individuality. We offered a wide range of thematic workshops and activities to support and empower people of all genders and sexual orientations.

Pride Day was celebrated by the entire school. Many classes at the NMS Primary, as well as the Pride WUV, worked hard during the past weeks to prepare for the day. Beautiful artwork created for the day was exhibited in school and during the parade. The Pride WUV performed the world premiere of their song “Vibrant Colours” that was brilliantly co-created with songwriter Chalice Phoenix. Ms. Kwai led several classes through beautiful renditions of “This is Me”, “A Little Respect” and “I am what I am”. Oshri returned for a second year to read stories and sing with the students and had everyone mesmerised. Lex Kartanė, also for the second year, helped students create their own unique Pride pins with the support of student and parent volunteers. The library created a beautiful stand with books and information related to Pride month as well as information about being an ally. In addition, there was a display of zines made by students together with Lex Kartanė that are normally displayed in the library.  There was a dress-up photo booth where students could get their photo taken by parent and P30 volunteers and plenty of colouring. One NMS parent even created an NMS Pride colouring sheet specifically for us! Philip Wade kept us dancing at the disco and P23 and P30 students made sure everyone’s faces were made up for Pride.

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The Pride March over to the Secondary, accompanied by a police escort, and parent and P30 volunteers, brought our NMS Pride to the streets and enabled the whole school to come together as one school and show our Pride together.

At the Secondary campus, we started the Pride Day with an assembly on the school yard for all students Y7 to Y12. The Intersectional Student Union moderated the opening.  Short introductory speeches were held, music was played, and the structure of the day was explained. Right after the assembly, all classes started with their workshops and activities which lasted all morning - and some all day. Students and teachers were involved in watching and discussing films, discussions with experts, awareness workshops, several art and design activities, music workshops and preparations for the final assembly of the whole school.

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We collected money at both campuses for two initiatives (Rainbow Women of Kenya and Let’s Walk Uganda) and together made several hundred euros.

Remember, creating an inclusive and empowering educational environment for the LGBTQIA+ community requires ongoing efforts and a commitment to addressing biases and discrimination. By integrating these actions into educational institutions like our school, we can contribute to a more inclusive society that embraces diversity in all its forms.

We would like to thank everyone who prepared and organised this year‘s NMS Pride Day and all students, teachers and families who create safe spaces, celebrate differences, and live diversity every day at NMS.

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The core organizing team: Philip Wade, Felix Theuner, Goran Subotic, Tanya Mokdad, Kai Linke, Lex Kartanė, Tom Hyland, Stephanie Greenwald, Florentine Baumann, and the Intersectional Student Union.

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Basketballfest 2023 (Video By David Nassim)






Return visit from Sri Lanka 2023


 Kunst 1
















The Nelson Mandela School had the honour of receiving a delegation from Sri Lanka. Detlef Wingerath warmly welcomed the delegation, setting the stage for a day of meaningful discussions.

Headmaster Dr Bauer warmly welcomed the representatives of the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district's Sustainable Development Unit, four students from Kalpitiya, a teacher, a headmistress, a coordinator, an artist and the esteemed mayor of Kalpitiya. The meeting was characterised by insightful discussions on the critical issues of 'no-plastic' initiatives and UNESCO school projects and provided a platform for shared learning and understanding.

The day continued with a hands-on screen printing workshop led by the advanced art class, engaging our guests in a creative exploration of artistic expression. The workshop not only showcased the capabilities of our school, but also provided a unique opportunity for artistic collaboration and cultural exchange.

A comprehensive tour of the Nelson Mandela School building gave the delegation an insight into our academic facilities, learning spaces and the vibrant student life that characterises our community.

Plans for a joint dance theatre piece to be performed in Berlin in March 2024 are eagerly awaited. This joint project promises to be a celebration of cultural diversity.

Kunst 2Kunst 3





 climate clock4 Climate Clock

Climate Clock image used with kind permission of Climateclock.world. Permission granted on 02.11.2021.



Fair-Play Soccer Tournament of the UNESCO Project Schools

UNESCO Fußball

On June the 18th, 2024, the traditional soccer tournament of the Berlin UNESCO Project Schools took place on the sports field of the M.-Planck-Gymnasium.
In pleasant summer temperatures, 9 schools took part this year. The NMS team consisted of Hannah-Marie, Mia, Hannah, Samuel, Rehan and Jakob.
As always, the matches were played according to fair play rules. Mixed teams of girls and boys from different schools played against each other in teams of four without referees. Fairness, victories and goals were counted for the ranking. The teams were newly mixed in each round. After the tournament, the award ceremony was held as part of a collective lunch. This year's Cup was won by the team from the Königin Luise Foundation. 


A place4 you

On 3 July 2024, the LK & GK Geo students and Ms. Mueller made the “long” journey to the FEZ in the Wuhlheide. The topic "Sustainable City" was to be brought into focus once again at the end of the 2nd semester.

First of all, the students drew fictitious identities. For example, one group represented an elderly man with a disability and another a single mum with two children. In two workshop periods, the pupils worked on key aspects of a sustainable city in terms of climate, water, mobility, social issues and the economy, using their knowledge from geography lessons to great effect.

They went into the break with a mental exercise to work out what their fictional characters would need in a sustainable city. The practical part then began, which involved building a neighbourhood that takes into account all the needs of its extremely diverse citizens. The students developed interesting and completely different neighbourhood concepts, which they presented to each other and realised that many aspects need to be considered and combined in order to reach all citizens and how important participation is in sustainable urban design.


NMS Pride day 2024

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On July 2nd the NMS school celebrated its 3rd annual Pride Day. 

It was another successful day that strengthened the NMS support for the LGBTQIA+ community. 

While the day started with an assembly In the primary school, the secondary school kicked the day off with some music in the courtyard. 

Then in the secondary, classes organised their own workshops or activities. 

In the primary school there were activities set up in the foyer, conference room and Aula for the students to enjoy.


How did Goethe and Schiller live?

Weimar 2024

How did Goethe and Schiller live?

The students of the 2nd semester found out on 4.7.24 on an excursion to Weimar, which concluded the semester topic "The idea of man in the classical period". The program included not only the Goethe and Schiller House, but also the famous Anna Amalia Library. Unfortunately, the weather was not classically beautiful, but this did not detract from the relaxed atmosphere.


"Jugend debattiert" - The Grand Finale at the NMS

Jugend debattiert

"Should girls and boys be taught separately?", "Should a mobile phone-free day be introduced at NMS?", "Should compulsory military service for men and women be introduced in Germany?" or "Should school trips only take place within Germany?"

The best teams from years 8-10 debated these important questions in German (partner or mother language) in front of their year groups in the Aula on 1.7.24 in the big intra-school "Jugend debattiert" final. The competition was moderated by Ananya and Lilith (both 10d) and Merle and Selma (both 10a).

At the end, the very competent jury (Alexandrine, Isabelle, Bendix and Hugo from 10b) announced the winners: In year 8, Henriette and Esther (8a) won in the mother tongue, Anandi und Ryan (8cd) in the partner language.

The school winners were Lynn and Richard (9a) in the mother tongue and Semi and Sophia (9cd) in the partner language. Congratulations on this great success!

We are already looking forward to the final rounds next school year, because the winners there will then represent NMS in the national "Jugend debattiert" competition.


IB in the OR at the Vivantes and Charité education campus

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"This is like Grey's Anatomy!" The visit to the BBG Berliner Bildungscampus für Gesundheitsberufe gGmbH (link: https://www.bildungscampus-berlin.de/ ) on June 22, 2024 made a big impression on the IB Biology course! Future surgical assistants (OTAs) are trained in original operating theaters on the grounds of Vivantes Neukölln Hospital in practical teaching units. Our students were able to gain a compact insight into everyday school and work life in four hours.

At the beginning, all the participants were "smuggled" into the operating theater, i.e. their everyday clothes were exchanged for the green scrubs with hoods.  After an initial overview of the occupational field and the day's program, hand hygiene was on the agenda. "Disinfecting your hands correctly can save lives, as most infections in hospitals (nosocomial infections) are transmitted via this route," says Maik Jelinski, medical educator and teacher at the BBG. And so that the result could be checked, the disinfected hands were held under a black light lamp to show any gaps in wetting, oha, some places were forgotten!