This nationwide call was followed by 300 students in Berlin on Friday, December 14, 2018, including about 40 students from the Secondary of Nelson Mandela International School. When asked why they supported the call, there was a unanimous response among those present: Our generation of parents and grandparents are responsible for the scale of climate change. As long as they are still in their posts, they have the chance to do something about it. We want to point out that the climate task for us, the young generation, will only grow bigger and more impossible with each and every day. We will be left to deal with the prior generation's excessive waste of the earth's resources, something for which we were not responsible.
“Advent, Advent, die Erde brennt.” Companies, which for example wrap cucumbers in foil, must be held responsible for this pollution because consumers have no choice in the matter: either they refuse to buy such cucumbers in the supermarket, or they buy them and become complicit in global pollution. In other words, consumers are forced to buy garbage. Ths has to stop. Plastic is a great material for making things last. As disposable packaging, it destroys lives.
Leseempfehlungen für Teens und Eltern zusammengestellt von Hans Künzel
Die Stiftung Planetarium war vom 26. bis 30. November zu Besuch in der Primary und hat den Kindern von der Aula aus Reisen zu Sternen, Planeten und der Raumstation ISS ermöglicht.
Unter fachkundiger Anleitung haben wir gelernt, warum Seifenblasen in der Schwerelosigkeit nicht platzen, wo in der ISS der beste und Platz zum chillen ist und warum Alexander Gerst der beste Torwart im Weltall ist...
Vielen Dank an Martin Wüsthoff und Fabian Mattig sowie das gesamte Team der Stiftung Planetarium, die uns auf den abenteuerlichen Reisen durch‘s Weltall kompetent und mit viel Engagement begleitet haben!
Das war bestimmt nicht der letzte Ausflug zu fernen Planeten! (E. Gömüsay)
Substitution teacher for Biology/Integrated Science needed:
26 hours a week. Temporary contract until the end of the school year (mid-June 2019). Starting ASAP.
Qualifications: Native English speaker. BA/MA in Teaching and/or Biology. Being able to develop lesson plans individually.
Please contact:
For a list of currently available positions, see Job Opportunities at NMS
Am 7. Juni startete unser Schulsportverein SCI-NMS e.V. mit 3 Teams bei der Berliner Team-Staffel über 5 x 5 km im Tiergarten. In der Tageswertung starteten über 1.900 Teams.
Unser Jugendteam mit Isabel Zander Zeidam, Elias Dorner, Justus und Ben Schubert und Pepijn Akkermans gewannen in ihrer Altersklasse Platz 2. In den anderen beiden Teams starteten gemeinsam Eltern, Kolleginnen und Kollegen und Schüler. Hier wurden in der Wertung die Plätze 339 und 354, knapp 10 Minuten langsamer als unser Jugendteam belegt. Vielen Dank an Alexis Figeac, Jonah Spiller, Isaac Brown, Franziska Wandtke, Stefanie Preidl, Florentine Baumann, Marco Cwielong, Charles Spiller und Jörg Fraikin.
Die ehemaligen Schüler der NMS Milan Marcus (IB 2016) und Miro Marcus (ABI 2018) trauern um ihren Vater Meinhard Starostik, Gründer und ehemaliger Vorsitzender der Friends of NMS.
Die Beisetzung findet am Mittwoch, 11. Juli um 12h auf dem Friedhof Heerstraße, Trakehner Allee 1 in 14053 Berlin-Charlottenburg statt.
Danke für die große Anteilnahme der Schulgemeinde.
Marguerite Marcus
Recently, some of our IB Diploma Visual Arts students painted the 10 Learner Profile attributes around the IB Office which livens up the corner on the first floor of the new building at P30. The IB Learner Profile is a list of ten attributes valued by all IB World Schools and by the NMS community as a whole as characteristics which we believe all students at NMS strive to have. All IB courses use the Learner Profile as the basis for learning and support the idea that “by helping create people who believe in these attributes we can help create responsible members of local, national and global communities.” (IBO website). All learners at NMS strive to meet these attributes and are: inquirers, thinkers, carers, open-minded, knowledgeable, risk-takers, communicators, balanced, principled and reflective.