From November 12 to 16, 2019, 17 students (all Year 7) from the Nelson Mandela School, a state international school in Berlin, and 21 students from Spoleczna Szkola Podstawowa in Swidnica (Year 7 and 8) came together in Palac Morawa to get to know each other and to work on a joint project with the topic of NATURE in the creative fields of Visual Arts and Theater.
Medienpreis für die Kindernothilfe-60 Jahre Kindernothilfe!
Drei Schülerinnen und Schüler der 6. Klassen überreichten am Freitagabend, dem 8. November 2019, zusammen mit sechs weiteren Jurymitgliedern aus zwei anderen Schulen den diesjährigen „Kindernothilfe Medienpreis“.
Hierfür werden jährlich die von Journalisten eingesandten Beiträge, die sich in herausragender Weise mit dem Thema Kinderrechte und deren Missachtung beschäftigen, ausgezeichnet.
On the 21.11.2019 there will be a staff meeting and this will affect lessons for both P23 and P30.
Parents of both P23-P30 please read the following message for more information.
Parents of the primary school may need to register for emergency care.
Message below (non pdf)
Dear parents of 7-13th graders,
A friendly reminder not to forget to sign up for teacher-parent conferences taking place on 18.11 to discuss your child and their progress.
Please sign up online from 12.11 (19:00 Uhr) to 15.11 (8:00 Uhr) using the personal user name and password on the registration slip that you should have received from your child.
No registration slip? Ask your kid right away!
On Friday 1st & Saturday 2nd, 18 students from the MUN group took part in a conference at the Dreilinden Gymnasium, Wannsee. Our students represented several different countries and discussed issues ranging from the situation in the sea of Azov to the conflict in Myanmar as well as attempting to find new solutions to The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Class 6D attended the premiere of Aus Mut Gemacht on Monday, November 4th. Their self-made video was one of 12 favourites that were shown at the Aus Mut Gemacht Premiere at Cubix cinema Alexanderplatz. (scroll down a bit to find ‘Ab Sofort’)
Der Klassenausflug zum Checkpoint Charlie und der East Side Gallery verläuft anders als erwartet und entwickelt sich zu einem spannenden Abenteuer.
Ein Film von Arwen S., Brendon T., Elaine L., Hannah-Marie S., Jamie A., Jonah B., Kathalina H., Kerem S., Lidia F.-K., Lili R., Liyana B., Maximilian M., Nora L., Nouriel L., Sarah O.; Lehrer*innen: Annemieke Akkermans, Brant Dennis, Elif Gömüsay
The 6D cartoon/stop motion video ‘Ab Sofort’ as well as all other creative work by a total of 53 participating Berlin schools will be shown at various locations in Berlin this week.
Aus Mut Gemacht is one of many events taking place in Berlin this week, to commemorate the ‘Mauerfall’ 30 years ago.
Liebe Mitglieder,
wir laden Sie herzlich zur außerordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung des Fördervereins der Nelson-Mandela-Schule am 20. November ein.
Alle Einzelheiten finden sie hier und hier.
Dear members,
We cordially invite you to attend the extraordinary General Meeting of the Friends of the Nelson Mandela School on November 20th.
The skies may have been quite grey but P30 was lit up by the FoN stands at our annual celebration. Once again, the Stand Captains and their teams displayed their creativity, resourcefulness and great humour. Not only was it a wonderful demonstration of our diversity, but the festival raised over €21,500 on the day! Incredible! There was a party atmosphere and a real sense that this was a coming-together of our whole community. We can all be very proud of what was achieved.
A few snaps of the day.
A multitude of thank yous…
The extra curricular activities are courses offered by external providers in cooperation with NMS, for NMS students. A course fee applies. Please register your child directly with the provider.
The courses will begin from 19th August 2019, from 21st October 2019 for children in their first year of school.
Am Weltfahrradtag (3.Juni) vor den Sommerferien startete die 9B mit dem Fahrradprojekt StatusRad, eine von insgesamt fünf bundesweiten Projektwochen, die Jugendlichen das Radfahren als urbanes Verkehrsmittel mit Statuscharakter näherbringen sollen.
Foto: Klasse 9B mit Kerstin Nadolph und Thomas Goode
Trotz hitzefrei und Vorferienstimmung waren die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 9B mit Spaß, Neugier und ergebnisorientiert bei der Sache.
Vera’s first role at the NMS was in 2012 when her daughter Lilli joined the school. As a parent she was already an active member of the school community, helping out wherever she could. At the beginning of 2015 she became a member of the Madiba Choir and it wasn’t long before she joined the NMS social pedagogue team. Her arrival was like a breath of fresh air and she soon became a highly valued member of staff. When she joined the team she brought a great deal of experience with her.Having studied social pedagogy, Vera later trained as a mediator. She had worked in both the private and public sector and had spent five years in San Diego where she worked with young offenders.