Nelson Mandela Primary School 'Sports Day/Bundesjugendspiel' 2019

April 11, 2019 at the Wilmersdorf Stadium

As the German saying goes 'April, April, macht was er will', however the cold weather could not disrupt the great atmosphere of the 2019 NMS Primary Sports day.

As soon as the students arrived, the festive atmosphere began. Luckily the day started out sunny and the flex/3rd grade classes were able to take advantage of the more friendly weather.

All students tried their best and encouraged their classmates. Although only few classes won the 'Sportschildship Award', it was obvious that all students displayed the values of fair play.

The tug-of-war event was a real highlight with all classes present to cheer each other on. The educators and teachers even got involved with a flex/3rd grade verses 4/5/6 grade staff members action.

Photos by Florian Loncier

NMS teams achieve great results in the Berlin ALBA Basketball Upperschools League

Two NMS teams took part in this school year's Berlin ALBA Upperschool League (ALBA Oberschulliga). Both teams played in three tournaments, the preliminary, intermediate and final rounds.

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In the Boys Class II (birthyears.02-05) preliminary match the NMS team won third place in the Beginners Group, in the following intermediate round they won first place.
This enabled the team to go up to the higher Junior Class level. The final round took place on the 22nd of March, in the Max-Schmeling-Halle.
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Decked in their new basketball kit (which was sponsored by the NMS Förderverein) the NMS team played beautiful combinations against the Virchow-OS, the Barnim-Gym and the Hans-Grade-OS, winning all their matches and placed a well deserved 1st place. The NMS Boys Class I  team (birthyears 00-03) won second place in the preliminary match, third place in the intermediate round and third place in the  final (Junior).

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All results can be seen in pdf at 

Publish your literary works!

Freunde ohne Grenzen 10

Under the motto "Freunde ohne Grenzen/ Friends without Frontiers", the Federal Foreign Office is looking for writing-enthusiastic children and young people who would like to publish their own texts. Godmother of the e-book is the children's and youth book author Cornelia Funke.
Young authors from around the world are invited to share their experiences, fantasies, hopes and dreams. What does friendship mean to you? How can friendship be born and maintained across national borders and different living environments? What makes a friendship so valuable, despite or because of different opinions and tastes, conflicts and distances?
With our fifth e-book, we are building on the successes of "My home, your home," "One planet, many worlds," "You, me-we're Europe" and "A world for you and me" from 2015 until 2018. The submitted prose texts, essays or poems in German or English are professionally proofread and appear as an e-book in the renowned Aufbau Verlag.
"Freude ohne Grenzen / FRIENDS WITHOUT FRONTIERS © AA" will be presented at the Federal Foreign Office's Open Day on 18 August 2019 at the Federal Foreign Office. The best three texts of each age group will be awarded.
Texts are accepted in the age groups up to 10 years, from 11 to 14 years and from 15 to 19 years.
Further information and terms and conditions can be found at:

The 2nd International School Berlin officially renamed the Wangari Maathai International School

This morning, March 22, 2019, the Second International School at Babelsberger Strasse 24 officially took on its new name during a ceremony in the Sporthalle: Wangari Maathai International School. Sharing their excitement for the occasion and words of wisdom for the future of the school were the Acting Principal, Mr. Matthias Roesner, State Senator for Education, Mr. Mark Rackles and the Ambassador of Kenya, Mr. Joseph Magutt.

Debating Matters Berlin Championship 2019

This year too on 28th February our Nelson Mandela Debating Group made up of four teams participated in the Berlin Championship in partnership with Freiblickinstitut e.V.

The spirit with which all schools took part, created a great day for debating which we all enjoyed at The University of Applied Sciences Europe last Thursday. It really was the students who made it such a memorable and inspiring event. Berlin was also showing itself from its best side, with a beautiful late winter sunny day.


Thunder, Lightning and Rain didn´t keep  quiz loving members of our school community from joining the fun last Monday evening. 

10 tables with motivated parents and teachers attempted to answer questions in six very diverse catagories.  Competitive contemplation as well as lots of laughter made for an excellent mood. Thanks Tim Lockwood for sponsoring the prizes - Australian Blundstone boots and sandals as well as wine and a bottle of bubbly. 

To John Chambers - the artist of the invitation - be ready to draw up more. Successful fun raising calls for a repeat.

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drawing kids doing sports

11 April 2019 - NMS Sports Day for Primary

On Thursday, 11th of April 2019, the Nelson Mandela School will be having  “NMS Sports Day for Primary” (Flex - Grade 6) (Bundesjugendspiele).

The event will be held at the Wilmersdorf Stadium (Fritz-Wildung-Straße 9, 14199 Berlin).

There will be no “regular lessons“ on that day. Your child’s attendance at the sports event is still compulsory.

Slammin' Poetry mit Bas Böttcher

Lyrik im Deutschunterricht ... Gähn! Was aber, wenn man mal die Sache etwas anders angeht und selbst zum Dichter wird - jenseits von Ballade, Sonetten und Elegien:

Ein Poetry Slam ist ein Dichterwettstreit, bei dem jeder auftreten und selbstverfasste Texte vortragen kann. Die einzige Vorgabe: ein Zeitlimit von 5 min und keine Requisiten. Eine Jury vergibt Punkte und der Dichter mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt. 

Students from 8 European countries at Museumsinsel Berlin

Don't know much about world heritage…

In November 2018 we, Ruby and Jamie from 10b, took part in the anual UNESCO international student seminar about world heritage. Apart from the 10 students from Berlin there were 13 further students from European countries including the UK, Spain, France, Poland, Estonia, Sweden and Denmark. For one week we lived in the guest accommodations of the UFA-Fabrik which is a culture center in Berlin-Kreuzberg. 

It’s Yearbook Time!

yearbook call pic

Help make the NMS 2018-19 Yearbook the best it can be. Mail us or hand in your yearbook consent forms. Volunteer to be your class contact to help coordinate pictures for your page. And dig into your photo archive and send us moving pics of school events. We look forward to hearing from you!

Consent form download here.

Guidelines here.

Contact:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minecraft Project on Jerusalem's ancient Jewish Temple

The Religion class of year 6 was doing a Minecraft Project on Jerusalem's ancient Jewish Temple. The story of the Jewish Temple, destroyed and (re)built twice, reflects the entire history of ancient Israel and deciphers major concepts of Jewish faith. The remaining Western Wall of the last Temple complex, also known as the Wailing Wall, is the holiest site of today's Judaism and is located close to the Dome of Rocks, one of the holiest sites of Islam.

Jewish Puppet Theatre bubales at NMS


The Berlin based Jewish Puppet Theatre bubales was performing for year 3 with the play "Isaac and the Elephant Abul Abbas".

The play tells the true story of the medieval jewish merchant Isaac whom the King of Bagdad asked to bring a white Elelphant as a gift for Charlemagne to Aachen. The bilingual play (german/arabic) is a co-production of jewish and arab artists, who fled the war in Syria. The story about this exeptional friendship and its adventurous journey also processes the artist's own experience of flight in a child-friendly manner.

The event was organised by the Religion & Ethics Department in cooperation with the class teachers of Year 3.

Watch the YouTube Video here

THANK YOU to everybody involved for helping realise this!

(G. Subotic)