Year 7 English: Book review podcast project

Our podcast team has finished with our first English media project!

Dear NMS community,

In Mrs. Adler’s English classes 7ABCD, we had a really fun project making podcast book reviews about books from our NMS library.  In class we selected for you the top three or four from each class (Daniel, Gnima, Laurin, Aidan, Lilli, Lindsay, Anna and Alyssa). Listen to our podcasts to hear sound effects, summaries, and stories. Learn about the themes, setting and characters in the stories and decide whether you would like to read this book yourself.

3. Long Night of Knowledge 15. Juni 2018, 18:00

Liebe Eltern,

am 15. Juni 2018 von 18-22 Uhr wird in der Nelson-Mandela-Schule die 3. Long Night of Knowledge stattfinden. In Anlehnung an die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, die in Berlin Tradition ist, möchten wir – die Lehrer und Schüler – ihnen interessante Beiträge zu Kultur und Naturwissenschaften präsentieren. Die Veranstaltung wird in unserem Campus in der Pfalzburger Straße 30 stattfinden. Sie und ihre Familien sind alle herzlich eingeladen.

Ergebnisse vom Berliner-Cup Finale im Cross-Lauf 2018

Am 14. April fand auf dem Gelände des Olympischen Reiterstadions und dem Maifeld das Berliner Finale im Cross-Lauf der Schulen statt. Mit dabei waren auch 13 erfolgreiche Schülerinnen und Schüler unserer Schule. 

Let there be light!

Das „Zeichnen mit Licht“ wurde zum Thema im Kunstunterricht der 8d in den letzten Wochen. Unterstützt durch die Fotogalerie Friedrichshain durften die Schüler*innen mit selbstgebauten Leuchtkästen experimentieren. Dabei standen selbstkomponierte Stilleben mit gefundenen Materialien vom Schulhof im Vordergrund. Zusätzlich gibt uns das nette Team der Fotogalerie Friedrichshain die Gelegenheit ausgewählte Fotos in einer Ausstellung in ihren Galerieräumen zu zeigen! Konkrete Infos dazu folgen in Kürze!

Claudia Balsters, NMS Art and German Teacher
Mai 2018

Fotos: Claudia Balsters und Victoria López (Fotogalerie Friedrichshain)

Freedom Day at the SA Embassy, 27 April 2018

The South African Embassy in Berlin commemorated Nelson Mandela, who would have turned 100 this year, with a special celebration and invited the choir of the Nelson Mandela School to be the main performer. The reception hall of the embassy was thoughtfully decorated with posters telling the impressive life story and great achievements of Nelson Mandela.

Under the direction of Mr. Beaner our choir was able to deliver a stunning performance.

Unsere Schule ist exzellent!

Am 8.Mai 2018 hat die Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie drei Berliner Schulen mit dem Siegel Exzellente digitale Schule ausgezeichnet: die Primo-Levi-Schule, die Georg-Klingenberg-Schule und die Nelson-Mandela-Schule. Bei diesem neuen Siegel geht es ganz zentral um die didaktischen Konzepte, die im Unterricht Verwendung finden, sowie um die Art der Einarbeitung der Verwendung digitaler Medien in die internen Curricula. Ebenso wurde das schulinterne Curriculum Medienbildung sowie der IT- und Medienentwicklungsplan bei der Bewertung berücksichtigt.

Die Georg-Klingenberg-Schule und die Nelson-Mandela-Schule haben sich im Jahr 2022 erfolgreich dem Rezertifizierungsverfahren gestellt und Audit sowie Jury erneut überzeugt.

Es geht nicht nur um IT-Equipment! Natürlich sind die besten Konzepte und kompetentesten Lehrkräfte auf vorhandene und funktionierende IT-Ausstattung angewiesen. Zentral wichtig ist der Förderverein der Nelson-Mandela-Schule, der neben der Anschaffung und Reparatur von Geräten seit vielen Jahren eine IT-Fachkraft finanziert, die dafür sorgt, dass an den beiden Schulstandorten das, was mit den begrenzten Mitteln möglich ist, auch funktioniert. Auch die Bibliotheken unserer Schule wären ohne Mitarbeiter*innen (ebenfalls vom Förderverein finanziert) keine Lernorte, weder digital noch analog. Und ohne die finanziellen Beiträge der Eltern direkt für diese Zwecke oder bei den Fundraising-Veranstaltungen wäre dies alles nicht möglich!

IB12 Biology Trip to the Naturkunde Museum

On the 8th of May the IB12 Biology group went looking at key examples of evolutionary evidence including the primeval bird Archaeopteryx, the six-toed panda and other novelties of the pentadactyl limb. All this, plus the primeval horse Eurohippus! Evolutionary processes and mechanisms such as selection, adaptation, convergence and homology were explained and discussed with our guides Victor and Tom.

Highlights of Ubuntu Week 2018

Report by the 11d Journaling Team

The Nelson Mandela School has once again come together to create and celebrate another successful Ubuntu week (23-27 April 2018). While participating in several activities for the environment, discussing current topics and decorating the different campuses, the students of the Nelson Mandela School have rediscovered the meaning of Ubuntu.This South African word represents the idea that humans are all in constant communication and communion with others and their environment. Ubuntu teaches us to be connected, improve the community and have a mutual caring for everyone around us. 

Photography is timeless

When visiting the Irving Penn exhibition in her leisure time, Ruby Richter, year 9 student, had a sudden inspiration to take a portrait photo of her grandmother. She shared her independent project with me and I asked her to present her idea to the school community.
Florentine Baumann

The photograph I took of my grandmother is inspired by Irving Penn’s work “Girl with tobacco on her tongue”, originally from 1951. I call mine “Girl with tobacco on her tongue 50 years later”. Irving Penn is a very inspiring photographer and I find his work highly impressive. Recreating one of his works was quite tricky because it was vey easy to miss little details, like the position of the fingers or the angle of the head but all in all I think my grandma and I did a pretty good job.
Ruby Richter (9b)

NMS School Garden

The idea of the garden project came to me as I first started working at NMS a year ago, back in May of 2017. Now a year later with a lot of hard work and the help of several colleagues and students we finally have our own vegetable garden. The project is supposed to continue. I have planned for it to grow even larger and eventually include all the children of the Primary at Pfalzburger Str. 23 and hopefully the entire community of NMS. That’s exactly what’s happening! I now have the whole community talking to me from all three campuses. Asking me how they can be involved and if they can help in any way and I think that’s fantastic! If there is only one thing that this garden does, and that’s to get the communty talking across to each other, then I think that’s great! As I believe at this point in time at NMS there is nothing more crucial to the progression of our school than communication!

More pictures below!

CAS Project: A Donation To Bahnhofsmission at Zoologischer Garten

From February 26th until March 19th 2018 I collected and donated clothes to a shelter named ‘Bahnhofsmission’, located under the station Zoologischer Garten. This shelter helps out the homeless and the less-fortunate by providing food, clothes, and shelter; organized primarily by the people of Berlin.

Over the course of 4 weeks I went collected clothes, that came mostly from my myself and my family, as we have lots of clothes laying around that are too small or do not wear anymore. Otherwise I also collected clothes from classmates from our school, and the Nelson Mandela community as a whole.

CAS Project: Clothes Donation to a Refugee Home

Starting in January, I collected clothes over a course of three weeks for my IB CAS project. Many clothes came from my own family including, siblings, cousins, parents, etc., however I had also asked friends and people from Nelson Mandela School to participate and donate clothes.Over the time period of the CAS project many different individuals were willing and able to donate some clothes, including jackets, t-shirts and trousers. The difficult part was collecting mainly new clothes and if not new, clothes in very good condition to be donated. The reason being that these clothes would then ultimately be donated to a refugee home.