FUTURIUM invitation for NMS students in classes 4-6

Junge Tüftler are one of our school’s favourite cooperation partners. Also this summer they invite our students to an exciting workshop at the brandnew Berlin Futurium! 

Am 5. September 2019 eröffnet das Futurium im Herzen Berlins nahe dem Hauptbahnhof. Unter einem Dach beherbergt es ein Zukunftsmuseum mit lebendigen Szenarien, ein Zukunftslab zum Ausprobieren, ein Zukunftsforum für den gemeinschaftlichen Dialog und künstlerische Projekte - und Junge Tüftler ist mittenmang dabei! Im Zukunftslab werden wir in regelmäßigen Workshops die Bildungsmaterialien des Futuriums mit den Maker Methoden von Junge Tüftler verbinden.

NMS Class 2019 Graduation. Speeches by Arun Sharma and Alec Dent. Photos of the event.

Address to the graduating class by Arun Sharma; on behalf of the parents and guardians

3 minutes, 3 points

Good afternoon.  Congratulations to the graduating class, the parents, the school administration, the support staff and the teachers.  Congratulations for this big step forward into each of your lives.  Your heads are full of ideas, accomplishments, dreams, fears, maybe even a sip of champagne. 

Abschiedsnachricht von NMS Principal Gerald Miebs

Liebe Schulgemeinde,
zum Ende des Schuljahres werde ich –wie schon länger angekündigt- die Nelson-Mandela-Schule verlassen und mich noch einmal einer neuen spannenden Herausforderung stellen. Ich übernehme die Deutsche Schule Kiew, eine noch recht junge deutsche Auslandsschule, die sich im Aufbau befindet und an der noch eine Menge „Pionierarbeit“ anliegt.


Ich gehe mit einem „lachenden und einem weinenden Auge“, denn eine solche Aufbauaufgabe zum Ende meines Berufslebens ist natürlich sehr motivierend und wie gesagt spannend, andererseits hatte ich auch an der Nelson-Mandela-Schule eine sehr abwechslungsreiche und lebendige Zeit, die ich nicht vermissen möchte.

Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihren Familien und natürlich der Nelson-Mandela-Schule alles Gute für die Zukunft!

Gerald Miebs

Mobile Learning at NMS

In May, around 60 sixth-graders participated in the NMS Media Literacy Assessment trial. The school devised this mobile assessment, creating an interactive quiz on the Berlin platform Actionbound, to assess our sixth-graders’ knowledge of the Internet and of social media, as well as online creation and data processing. 


Career Day 2019 does the job

Nelson Mandela School’s second ever student led career day took place on Thursday the 6th of June 2019.

The students that attended were able to listen to a variety of career presentations and talks by parents and friends. Students got to hear about life at the British Embassy, working at the Charité, working in costume and films, politics, and much more!

NMS and Ubuntu Day receive glowing write up in the Daily Maverick

On Ubuntu Day the school was visited by the notable journalist John Battersby and the school received a very warm write up in the Daily Maverick after welcoming him to the community.


The article, 'Ubuntu: Getting to know ourselves through others in the shadow of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela' talks at length about the day. 

A visit to the Nelson Mandela International School in Berlin on its annual Ubuntu Day celebration on 21 May 2019 will stay with me for a long time.

It was a humbling and uplifting experience to see the Mandela values of inclusivity, diversity and community service being lived and shared on a daily basis by some 1,500 students from more than 60 countries including some students and teachers from South Africa.

It was a kaleidoscope of colour and activity with a rich tapestry of passion and culture that gives the school the feel of a youthful United Nations.

The bilingual — German and English — state school was founded in 2000 to attract more nationalities to Berlin in line with the German capital’s policy of openness and cultural inclusion.

A facade with larger-than-life images of Mandela’s smiling face spread across the top leads one into a courtyard where on a battery of sewing machines students were creating new patchwork clothes from their own discarded clothes.

The full article can be read in the Daily Maverick here.

The 8c City Challenge on 11th -12th June

On the 11th of June, accompanied by Mrs. Sekon and Mrs. Adler, class 8c prepared a City Challenge. This City Challenge was that the class would travel throughout Berlin and visit different famous tourist attractions. Groups of two people each out of the class were required to create an activity that fitted the specific monument they were given to research.

Before asking the other groups to perform that activity, each group were asked to prepare a short speech that would give the rest of the class of 22 students information about the monument.

NMS Yearbook out on 12 June, 2019!

After a lot of hard work and contributions by students, parents, and staff – the NMS Yearbook is scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday June 12!

Full pdf here. We hope that everyone who is represented in the yearbook will get a copy – and that it will remain with you as a fond reminder of your year at NMS. Like last year, the yearbook will be sold for €20 cash. This amount will mainly cover printing costs – what’s left will go to the NMS Friends for supporting school projects.  Please see the Buzz for contact info if you can help with sales!

Sales points: 

@B24 - Sommerfest Wednesday 12.6

@P23 - in front of school, as of Thursday, 13.6-19.6 (volunteers pending)

@P30 - Foyer, as of Thursday, 13.6-19.6 (volunteers pending) Also 13.6 IB/Abi Q4 Graduation -  in front of sports hall and 18.6 Year 10 MSA Graduation - in front of sports hall

Graduation Ball/Abschlussball 2019! June 14 19:00 Columbia Halle. Ticket sales urgently needed: Please buy tickets and support us or DONATE.

Dear NMS community, co-students, families, friends and teachers of the graduating class of 2019. We, the members of the graduating class (Abi Q4 and IB 13 students) need your support and help! We would like to remind you of our invitation to our graduation ball on June 14th, 2019 (from 7:00 pm) in the Columbia Halle. Many tickets have been sold already. 
But we need to sell 47 more tickets to avoid a problem in the financing of the ball and to meet our threshold of 450 participants. The ticket price is 68,00€ and includes dinner and beverages, DJ and live acts! We would like to urgently ask you to spread the word and buy more tickets for our fabulous graduation ball. Your Graduation Ball Committee 2019. We have opened a gofundme donations page and have already raised more than 600€. Please DONATE!

Abi IB ball 2019 Kopie

How do I get my ticket? Go to: https://tickets.berlinevent.de/search
Enter the ‘Veranstaltungsname': 4627 and the PIN: 354905. In order to get the tickets you will need to create an account on the Abiplaner site.
A number of people have asked if they could donate money to help put us on our Abi/IB Ball. Thank you so much! We have set up a gofundme page with a target of 2800€ and have already raised more than 600€. Please help us and donate!

NMS's 2nd ever Career Day - 6 June, 2019 at 15:30, P30


Nelson Mandela School will be having its second career day on June 6th! Students will be able to attend a variety of career presentations and talks by parents and friends. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to get a sneak peek into different career paths.
See the schedule of presentations here

Feierliche Verabschiedung der Abi/IB Absolventen

Einladung zur feierliche Verabschiedung der Abi/IB Absolventen am Donnerstag 13. Juni 2019 um 16:00 Uhr, Sporthalle Nelson Mandela Schule, Pfalzburgerstrasse 30

Zur Einladung hier und Programme hier

Musical Evening at P30 - 7 June, 2019

Welcome to our musical evening with pieces about the most exciting theme. As always a buffet will lift up your mood. Friday, 7 June @5pm in P30 Aula.

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