Friendship has no boundaries / La amistad no tiene fronteras


 So heißt das Projekt, welches im Rahmen des Spanischunterrichtes der Klassen 9 und 10 (bei Frau Harder) pünktlich zum Ende des Lockdowns im April begann und nun im neuen Schuljahr weitergeführt werden soll, voraussichtlich als Teil einer e-Twinning-Initiative mit folgendem Direktaustausch nach Oliva (Raum Valencia/ Spanien).

8 Schulen aus 5 europäischen Ländern (Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Tschechische Republik, Deutschland) haben sich in diesem Projekt zusammengefunden. In einem ersten Schritt haben sich die internationalen Schüler*innen zunächst einander vorgestellt, natürlich in ihrer Fremdsprache, je nach Schule Englisch oder Spanisch, und den persönlichen Text oder das Video auf einem gemeinsamen Padlet gesammelt.

Introducing the NMS Class of 2021

The NMS Class of 2021 have just finished their final exams under unusual circumstances. The festivities to celebrate their graduation (the ceremony and the prom) are still taking place, though of course with specific regulations and guidelines to stay safe.


If you are a part of the graduating year of 2021 and would like to come to the prom, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

To commemorate the two final years at NMS, Sara Koehn-Haskins (IB13) and Bronwyn Barrett (Abitur Q4) created this portfolio website NMS 2021: The Year of COVD . 

We hope you visit the website and get to know us, as well as the experiences we've enjoyed!

NMS learns black history: Apply by 09.06.2021  

NMS is offering a black history class in the Upper School for years 11-13. Apply by 9th June. 
There will be one 120 min workshop per month and two 90 minute production hours during normal lesson times.

See the poster for details and the schedule from August to December. Click on the poster for a larger view.


Abitur Q2 Theaterkurs: "Allein unter Menschen", P30 08.06  

Liebe SchülerInnen der NMS, liebes Lehrpersonal, liebe Eltern!

Alles außer konventionell könnte vielleicht der Leitspruch unseres Projekts heißen. Wir der Q2 Theaterkurs unter der Leitung von Herr Wingerath, laden Euch herzlich zu unserer Aufführung am Dienstag, den 18 Uhr ein. Unsere Collage zum Thema "Allein unter Menschen" lädt zur Reflexion der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft ein.


BSO-Angebote Sekundarstufe

Angebote der Berufs- und Studienberatung - Online-Information über Kurse

Liebe Schülerinnen, liebe Schüler, liebe Eltern,

für Euch/Sie zur Information.

Viele Grüße
Jörg Fraikin

Short films against racism by Lian (7c) and Lidia (7d)

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on 21 March. On that day, in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, against the apartheid pass laws.
Anti racism film bowls

Lian from class 7c and Lidia from class 7d followed a call by the social pedagogues of P30 to participate in a creative activity against racism by  making their own short films. They both chose to go with stop motion but used different techniques and settings. Click on the pictures above and below to see the films.

Virtual gallery walkthrough of IB Final Art Exhibition 2021

This year nine IB Visual Arts students showed their studio work in the P30 Aula. As part of their final assessment the students thoughtfully curated their artwork, that has been created throughout the course. 

The exhibition ran until April 16 but you can still take the walkthrough tour here below. The tour was taken more than 300 times by members of the NMS community.

Due to the pandemic, the exhibition was not open to the public and visits had to be confirmed by the school management. Click on the picture below to see the full size exhibition picture. IBart2021

The Nelson Mandela School commemorates the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – March 21st 2021.

A short video presentation was created of the students work in the primary school and in the secondary school a padlet was set-up to share resources and contributions of students, teachers and educators.


As the 21st of March was a Sunday this year, the school commemorated the day on Friday, 19th March. On this day, many classes looked at the work of other classes, students or groups from the Nelson Mandela School plus read books, watched videos, did activities or/and discussed the topic of eliminating racial discrimination.

9D GIFs against Racism

The students of class 9d created their own GIFs against racism that are collected in a padlet.


We spent the month of February discussing the topic of racism and exchanged our experiences. Some NMS art teachers used the opportunity during the Black History Month to specifically focus on visual art created by Black artists. The online art lessons, however, should be creative and product-orientated, not necessarily concentrate on more cognitive content that our students would get en masse from many other subjects.

Return to school for grades 1-6: Message from the Primary School Principal


Dear Parents, 

As you have probably learned from the media, the existing regulations for our school with regard to -distance learning online-  will remain in place through this Friday, 5th March, 2021. Beginning Tuesday, March 9 our Grade 4,5 & 6 classes will resume in-person instruction. There will be at least three daily class room sessions with established half-class groups. In addition we will offer a modul of  study support and care. 

Ready to test - Es kann losgehen!

Ready to test
Meet our professional testing team, the four colleagues  have completed their training at the DRK today and will start conducting "Rapid Tests" for our staff (click on  the picture for larger version).

We would like to thank them for their service to our colleagues.

Principal Dr Bauer and Primary Principal Ina Claussen


Es kann losgehen!
Unser professionell ausgestattetes Testing Team möchte sich vorstellen, die vier haben heute ihr Training  beim DRK absolviert und werden Schnelltests für unsere  Kolleg*innen durchführen. Klick auf das Bild für eine größere Version.

Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Ihre Unterstützung und den Service am Kollegium. 

Schulleiter Dr Bauer and Grundschulleiterin Ina Claussen

Blog Project: Das ist Berlin, Berlin, Berlin ...? 11c on Racism in a German Context

As a contribution to Black History Month 2021, the students of 11c wrote blog posts about how they see racism in the context of their daily lives in Germany. This project is inspired by our reading of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel Americanah, in which the central character, Ifemelu, records her observations about racism in the U.S. in a blog called “Raceteenth, or Various Observations about American Blacks […] by a Non-American Black.” 

Read on, and you will learn more about the importance of mental health in the Black community, the spoken and unspoken assumptions confronting Asian Germans, the appropriation of Middle Eastern youth culture, why being “old-fashioned” is no excuse for racism, how difficult it can be for non-EU citizens to get a visa to continue their studies at NMS, why confronting racism is more important than the Bundesliga, and much, much more!

Kai Linke and the students of 11c

Link to the blog: